23 Ways to a Better 2023: Find Health, Wealth, and Adventure


Welcome back to your favorite blog with neutral aesthetics and occasional pops of color!!! It’s 2023 and I can promise you more content about storytelling, living a happier life, and finding financial freedom through storytelling and freelance writing. I’ve been lucky to build my life around stories and the written word, and I’m so grateful to be able to continue to share my love of this craft with you as I travel the world. Thanks for being here!

Without further ado, I’m going to share the 23 things that will change your 2023 for the better. I know this list has the power to remake your life because I used these frameworks to help me live life in full color. Let’s get to it!

23 Tips to Change Your 2023 for the Better

Tip #1: Understand What Being in Alignment Looks Like for You

When I first heard the phrase “learn to live in alignment” it was from my yoga teacher. At the time, I was more concerned about not falling face-first out of my crow pose to truly understand the metaphor.

If you’ve ever practiced arm balances in yoga, it’s a humbling experience. You’re falling all over the place, trying to figure out all the technical hacks to be able to balance your entire body weight on your arms. It’s easy to get frustrated and hate that part of class, but the lesson runs deeper than that. Building strength and concentration to be able to find balance is a practice that requires falling on your face so that you know what balance looks like.

The concept of “living in alignment” is the same: we’re meant to live messy lives in our 20’s so that we can understand what chaos and living out-of-alignment feels like for us. You should make mistakes and feel stressed and overwhelm, but it’s what you do with that information that will turn you into a balanced human — or not.

Another thing that yoga teaches is listening to your body. If you don’t listen, you can’t know what feels right. Does this job serve you, or do you need to make a change? All action has to come from informed self-reflection, which brings me to…

Tip #2: Journal with Intention Each Day

Writing is how I process the world. Sometimes when I’m writing one of my travel blogs, I’ll find myself surprised at the observations that alchemize when I put proverbial pen to paper.

There are many different reasons to journal or do morning pages. Just like how you don’t get your best work done with a messy desk, you don’t get your best thinking done with a cluttered mind. I’ve had the best breakthroughs in the flow state of journaling.

In need of journal prompts? I share a new prompt every week with my newsletter subscribers.

Tip #3: Your Health Begins with Inputs: Water, Air, Environment

It doesn’t matter how prolific your gym routine is if you’re drinking contaminated water, breathing polluted air, or are surrounded by toxic materials.

I learned this the hard way: I recently got an environmental toxins panel done, and my bloodwork showed I had high amounts of not-so-great pollutants and toxins that may have triggered my autoimmune disease. I’m currently working closely with my doctor to detox using a combination of supplements and lifestyle changes, and I can’t wait to feel healthier than I’ve ever been.

If you have a feeling that something is off or your body doesn’t feel right, start with testing the water you drink, invest in an air purifier, and remove things like plastic from your home. I’ve been making these types of changes for the last year and a half, and every day I feel healthier and more energetic.

Tip #4: Exercise as Medicine

Stressed? Go for a run. Anxious? Do yoga. Frustrated? Lift weights. Depressed? Move in a way that makes you happy.

Exercise is the closest thing we have to a cure-all, and most of us need more of it. This year I made major changes to my workout routine, including healing my iron deficiency so I can work out at higher intensities again.

I recommend a 5-6 day workout schedule that includes 3 days of strength training (lifting weights, bouldering, yoga, pilates, or some combo!), 2 days of cardio (speedwalking, running, stairmaster, elliptical, bike riding), and a goal of 10,000 steps per day. I’ve cooled a bit on HIIT training as I find that when I do HIIT I’m more inconsistent in my workouts. Prioritizing building strength has done wonders for me, and low-impact, high-intensity workouts are worth the hype.

If you’re new to working out, you may want to try 10 or 20-minute workouts every day for 5 days per week. That way you won’t get bored and it’s a great way to ease into the routine of working out most days!

There’s a reason why people with higher net worths spend more time working out: when your mood is better, you’re happier and more productive and creative. Don’t skip this tip!

Tip #5: Seek Out Novelty

I travel to at least two different countries per year, and I’m averaging about 8 cities per year as well. This means I’m always experiencing the joy of novelty, which keeps my brain happy and healthy.

As humans, novelty keeps us from getting in ruts. It helps us maintain our wonder and curiosity, and it improves our relationships when we travel with friends or a loved one.

You don’t need to go anywhere to find novelty: signing up for a pottery class or reading more books can scratch that itch.

I used to think that novelty could be overdosed on, but I’ve realized my brain has adapted and learned to love constant movement, and it helps me prioritize more.

Tip #6: Become (and stay!) a Minimalist

I was recently interviewed by Authority Magazine’s Drew Gerber on my top tips for being a minimalist. As a full-time traveler, minimalism became a must, but I love the way it makes me feel.

I wasted so much time (and money) acquiring stuff that didn’t make me happy. Now, I’ve slimmed my wardrobe and life down to the essentials that are functional and bring me joy.

If you’re feeling stuck or tied down, it may be time to declutter and reset.

Tip #7: You Are What You Wear (Literally)

Another huge thing I’ve done lately is made an effort to remove all clothes from my closet that are made from petroleum and plastic. Fabrics like nylon and polyester are not good for you: activewear brands have been shown to have high levels of toxins like BPA in them, which is a carcinogen that can also affect fertility. When you sweat, it’s a lot easier for your body to absorb what’s in (or on) your clothes, so it’s important your activewear isn’t poisoning you.

I’ve been starting to switch to fabrics like linen, organic cotton, and recycled cashmere. I’m still doing my homework on this, so I’ll share the brands I end up loving once I’ve tested out some new wardrobe staples for a while. It’s hard to find long-lasting, high-quality women’s clothing, so I’ll keep you posted! (And any recs are appreciated — feel free to leave a comment or get @ me on Twitter with your suggestions!)

Tip #8: Build Adaptable Habits and Routines

Age-old wisdom like “wake up at the same time each day” doesn’t apply to me as I’m constantly switching timezones and waking up in new places. But I’ve found there’s something superior to attaching your routine to a time and a place.

Instead, I tie my daily habits to milestones. I go on a walk first thing in the morning and drink an entire water bottle’s worth of water. I journal while I drink matcha. On Sundays, I write blogs and send my newsletter.

Keep your routines fluid in timing — alarm clocks are such a drag and totally unnecessary if you work for yourself! — but stick to the same sequencing to stay in the flow of your habits without being rigid on timing.

Tip #9: What Gets Measured, Gets Managed

I started to hit my fitness goals when I measured my progress. I doubled my income within 12 months when I measured my revenue and tracked the value I was bringing to projects. I kept up with my learning goals when I tracked the number of books I read.

I used to never track anything, but measuring my progress changed my life. Seeing daily, incremental progress can be a huge dopamine hit and a great motivator to keep going.

I’m in the middle of building out my massive Notion-based accountability system to share with y’all, so stay tuned for that!

Tip #10: Build in Public

I’ve met so many amazing people through this blog and my social media. I’ve been writing here since the dawn of time (aka: my teenage years!) and sharing what I’m learning has been a great way to connect with others who are also on a similar journey.

No matter what you’re building, build it in public and welcome feedback and collaboration with others!

Tip #11: Seek Out Third Spaces to Find Connection

When I’m visiting a new city, I hunt for “third spaces.” These spaces are not your home or work. They’re a third space: a cafe, yoga studio, bouldering gym, bookstore, or another gathering place.

These spaces are a great place to meet people, learn a new skill, and enjoy something beyond bar culture. (As someone who is sober for health reasons, I’m always on the hunt for places that are more than just an alcohol-centric hangout spot!)

Patricia Mou has a great breakdown of the best “third spaces” in major US cities, so check out her Substack here for more!

Tip #12: Limit Your Social Media Consumption

Listen, I love social media. I think it’s actually a huge net positive for society: you just need to follow the right people so you can stay inspired. A curated feed is key to enjoying social media in a constructive way that actually brings value to your life.

However, these apps are built to be addictive and affect your brain’s production of dopamine. Don’t give in to big tech! Limit yourself to an hour per day in the new year for all social media apps, you can configure this in your phone’s settings. Set it, forget it, and watch yourself have more time back!

Tip #13: Increase Hydration and Quality of Minerals

Drink your water, but also make sure you’re hydrating with a variety of high-quality minerals and electrolytes. Coconut water is a good way to rehydrate after a workout, and teas have a variety of health benefits. My favorite teas are still nettle, hibiscus, chamomile, and matcha.

Tip #14: Swap Your Coffee with Matcha (Yes, This Again!)

I wrote this as a tip last year. And it’s back again!!! Why? I think this is the number one swap that has cut my anxiety in half. I used to drink coffee and espresso, but now I find that homemade matcha is a perfect morning buzz without the jitters. Just give tea a chance, I beg you. Your life will change in unexpected ways, I promise.

Tip #15: Improve Your Sleep Posture

I hate that I learned about this, but as it turns out most of us have horrific sleep posture. Why is this important? Oh, I don’t know, we spend 7-9 hours per day sleeping, so might as well consider how the way we sleep affects our body!

From what I’ve found on the Internet, sleeping on your side with a pillow between your legs and a good pillow underneath your head that keeps your spine aligned with your neck and head is key. The Eli and Elm side-sleeping pillow in my Amazon storefront is top-tier.

I do feel better when I have good sleep posture, so I recommend this even though it ruined my ability to just flop in bed at night. Turns out wellness requires work, who knew?

Tip #16: Get the Right Tools for the Job

I regret some of the dumb, cheap purchases I’ve made from Amazon this year.

But I don’t regret spending more on certain essentials that have made my life better. You can find some of these in my Amazon storefront, like the Fellow Electric Kettle (perfect for brewing tea at the right temperature that won’t burn the tea leaves!) and the Ninja air fryer.

For travel favorites, I discovered magnetic cubes from Cadence this year, which is a much better alternative to packing and traveling with liquids, one of my biggest headaches when traveling. I hate shelling out for travel-sized versions of things that are going to leak anyways, so this was a game-changing find.

I also bought an Oura ring and have loved every moment of it. I got it in gold and it’s stylish and the sleep and health insights have helped me stay on-track with my fitness goals in a new way.

Tip #17: Show Up Imperfectly

Part of the reason I had such a hard time sticking to habits in previous years is that I held myself to a standard that was impossibly high. I did this to motivate myself, but instead I ended up just not showing up at all.

Now, I allow myself to show up for a workout and not give it my all. I allow myself to show up to the page without the pressure of being perfect.

To stay consistent, lower the bar. You’d be surprised that your low-energy workout actually yielded results, and your sloppy first draft had some hidden gems.

Tip #18: Save and Invest Like It’s Your Job

It’s important not just to save, but to invest your money so it will work for you. I’m on a personal finance kick lately with my reading, and all advice boils down to this: don’t spend more than you make, invest like it’s your job (it is!), and know that inflation will keep on rising every year so you can’t just keep cash lying around.

Tip #19: Find Freedom in Freelancing

Speaking of finances, I’m lucky to have had a great year as a freelance writer! I’ve been working on so many amazing copywriting assignments and some memoir projects in the past year, and it’s been such a lovely experience.

If you’re a founder or other inspiring individual who needs a memoir written, you can always reach out to me here.

If you’re a freelancer wanting some help getting started, I have one spot left in my January one-on-one coaching program.

The written word changed my life, and I have no doubt it can change yours!

Tip #20: Write That Damn Book

I have a nonfiction book about freelancing hitting shelves this year, and I’m starting the new draft of my novel this week!

The secret to writing (and finishing!) a book?

Getting started, and then chipping away at it week by week. There are strategies and hacks to stay motivated, but like with everything you just have to show up.

Tip #21: You Are Your Environment

You are the sum of the people you surround yourself with, so make sure your circle consists of people you want to be like.

Otherwise, there’s a big wide world out there: go find your tribe.

Tip #22: Money Does Make You Happy

This is a bit controversial, but the adage that money doesn’t buy happiness isn’t true: money buys a roof over your head, healthy food to eat, and safety knowing your needs are going to be taken care of.

So while money does not directly equate to happiness, it indirectly leads to fulfilling Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. When your needs are met, you can do more to take care of those around you, and to foster better relationships.

That’s why it’s so important that even if you’re an artist, you should still learn the basics of personal finance, entrepreneurship, and how to make a living online and connect with your true fans. This is another reason why I created my free Freelancing 101 Guide — I believe freelancing is a huge way for people to find prosperity and financial freedom in the new economy!

Tip #23: Find Gratitude Daily

This is a tip I’m taking more seriously in the new year. There is an abundance of things for me to be grateful about in my life, and sometimes those things get overshadowed by day-to-day hurdles.

This year I’m excited to embrace more gratitude and love for each moment I get to be here having a human experience. After all, time is finite: one day each of us will have to lose everything, so make sure to find joy in what you have right here, right now.

Here’s to a happy, healthy, and prosperous 2023! Thanks for reading and I’m sending you all the good vibes this year.


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