Amy Suto

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Month One: Growing My Substack to $8,000/Month

Embarking on a Journey to Grow My Substack Newster to $8,000/month

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Over the past seven years, I’ve built a successful freelance writing career, which I wrote about my book Six-Figure Freelance Writer (now $2.99 on Amazon!).

But, I know that not every writer wants to be a freelance writer. So how do authors and non-freelancing writers make money from their craft?

Enter: Substack. The platform that Stephen King and many other notable writers, journalists, and academics use to share newsletters and publications — and also monetize their work directly from their community instead of relying on a middleman.

I switched from ConvertKit to Substack in part because I loved the mission behind Substack as a company, and their clean interface that made reading newsletters fun again.

I also rebranded my newsletter as ✍️ From the Desk of Amy Suto ✍️ — a publication and community that shares my experiments with how to be a Modern Author and working writer in the digital age.

In my Substack, I write about…

For $8/month, readers can view all of my posts, including the archives. Free subscribers receive my Sunday round-ups, which includes a Sunday story and other inspiring tidbits and morsels about writing, as well as journaling prompts.

Below, you can find my month one update, sharing everything I learned in my first month on my platform and in my journey to get to 1,000 paid subscribers!

Video: Month One: Growing My Substack to $8,000/Month

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